1 November 2024
A report assessing the benefits of an internship with the Public Defence Solicitors’ Office (PDSO) has highlighted the value of law students gaining hands-on experience of legal work and real-world exposure to the criminal justice system.
The student trialling the internship said the experience has had a profound impact on their career trajectory, furthering their interest and intention to work in criminal law.
The report, ‘PDSO internship – assessing the benefits’, by David Sinclair, Head of Office at PDSO Dundee, has now been published.
This follows the recent completion of the first ever six-month paid, part-time PDSO internship at the network’s Dundee office. It was intended as a test for the viability an internship programme.
The report looks at how the personal account given by the intern of their experience aligns with the job description and person specification that was advertised.
It also explores the intern’s appreciation of the opportunity and the impact of the experience on their legal career aspirations.
This report will inform whether there is benefit – to both the organisation and potential incumbents – in repeating this opportunity and, if so, any improvements which might be made.
Report author David Sinclair said: “Overall, I would have to say that we were extremely lucky to have had [the intern] join us, and I am pleased that they have been so positive about us.”
The intern was able to spend considerable time at various sheriff courts observing bail hearings, deferred sentences, intermediate diets and trials to get an insight into the challenges faced by defence solicitors.
They were able to meet Fiscal Deputes, court officers, other defence agents and trainees, accused persons, defence witnesses and Counsel.
An equal amount of time was spent in the PDSO office completing the types of tasks that a new trainee might be expected to undertake.
This included perusing witness statements and disclosure from the Crown, taking precognitions from defence witnesses, drafting defence statements and witness lists, reviewing CCTV and police interviews and carrying out legal research.
Finally, the student was also able to attend prison visits and discuss cases and appeals with Counsel.
The intern said they had applied for the position to further expand their knowledge of criminal law, legal aid and the role of criminal defence solicitors at the Sheriff Court level.
“Additionally, I wanted to contribute to the work of the PDSO by applying what I had learned throughout my LLB and Diploma.
“I hoped that the internship would introduce me to the type of work that is carried out by the PDSO and better prepare me for a career in criminal law.”
David Sinclair
Head of Office
PDSO Dundee